This Navratri, let’s find out what Sabudana can do to our health.
Sabudana, also known as Sago Pearl, is made from Tapioca Roots after it goes through a lot of processing. As much as these tiny white coloured pearls benefit our health, they can also prove to be a ‘not so healthy’ food after all, especially if you’re on a weight loss path.
Let’s take a look at the nutrition content of Sabudana.
Sabudana is nearly a pure carbohydrate food with minute quantities of protein, vitamins and minerals. A 100gm serving of raw sago gives you 350 calories.
But as we said, it has its pros and cons. Let’s talk about all the benefits and disadvantages of consuming Sabudana.
Benefits of Sabudana
- Contains protein that can help with muscle strength.
- Contains potassium, good remedy for hypertension.
- Improves digestion, helps with bloating, constipation, flatulence and acid reflux and cools your body.
- The calcium, iron and Vitamin K enhance bone strength.
- Rich source of Vitamin B-complex and folic acid that helps in the development of baby.
- High in carbohydrate content, a good energy source for the body.
Disadvantages of Sabudana
- Laden with carbohydrate (starch) making it a high calorie food.
- The GI (glycemic index) is high making it a bad option for Diabetics.
- Aids weight gain because of the high GI and high carb count.
So, next time you feel like eating Sabudana, do not think if it’s good or bad, because there is no right answer to it. Think of your goals and make a choice.
Author: Aayushi Hemrajani | Co-Founder — 23BMI | Health Coach | Advanced Nutrition Expert | MSc. IBM, London |