Meal Replacements: The Next Big Thing Enhancing Human Health!
Weight loss is a tough nut to break and given the busy lives we’re leading, it is very easy for people to fall prey to malnutrition while trying to lose a few kilos. If you are someone who wants to manage your weight but don’t seem to have enough time and the right direction to do so, you can rely on a new-age healthcare solution called Meal Replacements.
Now, you might have heard a lot about why you should always stick to a wholesome home-cooked meal to maintain or manage your weight, but think of this. When you are a working professional, having no time to enjoy a sit-down meal, always eating on-the-go and ruining your health in the process, are elaborate meals a solution to your problem? Would you really be able to make the meals given the fact that you work day in and day out?
Salads and raw diets as well don’t do justice to such scenarios because even if it is a raw diet, the meal prep involved in it is no less than what an elaborate meal needs. This pushes you to opt for fast food that you know would be easily accessible, quick to consume but jeopardising your health. This is where a Meal Replacement could be your saviour.
But Are Meal Replacements Even Healthy?
If you are wondering if these meal replacements are even healthy to consume on a regular basis, Let me ask you a question. Why does it always occur to you that fast and easy doesn’t mean healthy? If you think that easy cannot be healthy and fast cannot be holistic, meal replacements in the Indian market will definitely change your mind. Read on to understand if meal replacements are truly good options as an alternative to solid food!
Ask an experienced nutritionist for the proportion of nutrients it takes to sustain a human body for a day and make it healthier at the same time. A nutrition expert would indicate that a meal with about 20–30 grams of protein, essential minerals and vitamins, about 10 grams of fiber, healthy fats, and calories enough to keep you feeling full and energetic throughout the day is essential to fulfilling this purpose.
Meal replacements are just the same proportion of nutrients squeezed in to make a shake, bar, smoothie, or soup. And ironically so, they are filled in with micronutrients you sometimes miss out on while having an elaborate meal. These products are a result of meticulous research and an intention to bring ease to the process of weight management. The kind of variety and improvement you see in these products is a testimony to how meal replacements are constantly evolving to help people manage their weight.
And who says they’re only designed for weight management? You can munch on a meal replacement post your workout to enhance the recovery process, you can have it as a mid-morning snack, you can also have it as an alternative to your otherwise junk food choice. These products are so evolved in terms of customer needs that they are available in multiple forms. Let’s take an example of meal replacement shakes. They are loaded with micronutrients, probiotics, digestive enzymes and substances that make your metabolism boost up and are available in vegetarian, vegan, non-GMO, less sugar or sugar-free, preservative-free, versions. And all it takes to consume this nutrient-rich meal is to open a packet, empty it into a container, add water, shake up and drink up.
And as we mentioned, they are not just for losing weight, you can manage and even get rid of your lifestyle disorders if you use these products to their maximum potential. E.g. A meal replacement with a low glycemic index can help you manage diabetes, the low sodium content in it can help manage hypertension, the low calorie, carbs and the right blend of nutrients can help reverse PCOS.
So, coming back to the question: Can meal replacements be the next big thing in human health?
The answer is, YES! Given that you choose the correct product for yourself, you are in for a pleasant surprise that will definitely change your life. Realistically, it is extremely difficult to have access to a nutritious meal while you’re on the go and meal replacements are here to save you from poor choices of food when you are running short on time.
Meal replacements are harmless, health-enhancing products that will definitely make their way to you in near future, and you will embrace them once you understand how easy they make it for you to eat healthy without having to stand in the kitchen for hours.